Whoops! How What We Say Shapes Our World…

Anna Dusseau | 30th September 2020 The socially distanced doorstep chat has to be one of the most depressing outcomes of the pandemic so far. Where once, you might have invited the nosy neighbour in for a cuppa, or actually helped the delivery person with a heavy crate and a warm “thank you”, those daysContinue reading “Whoops! How What We Say Shapes Our World…”

Why I’ve Never Been On Social Media (and You Might Want a Slice of This, Too)

Anna Dusseau | 6th March 2020 Social media is toxic. You don’t need the likes of Stormzy and Billie Eilish to tell you that. Although it certainly helps when high-profile public figures turn their backs on social media – providing a powerful message to young and not-so-young that it is a hateful and unhealthy placeContinue reading “Why I’ve Never Been On Social Media (and You Might Want a Slice of This, Too)”