Whoops! How What We Say Shapes Our World…

Anna Dusseau | 30th September 2020 The socially distanced doorstep chat has to be one of the most depressing outcomes of the pandemic so far. Where once, you might have invited the nosy neighbour in for a cuppa, or actually helped the delivery person with a heavy crate and a warm “thank you”, those daysContinue reading “Whoops! How What We Say Shapes Our World…”

On Being Yourself

Anna Dusseau | 15th July 2020 “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde The year is 2016 and I’m sat on a riverbank overlooking the Thames. There is a boat race that takes place here and it’s fun to watch. We try to avoid the crowds; going upriver as far as possible untilContinue reading “On Being Yourself”