Anna Dusseau | 1st May 2020 Do you guys follow Andi and his kids at Diary of a Gay Dad? If not, get on it because these guys are hilarious. Earlier this week, Andi wrote a post about giving away his age by listening to a bit of 80s Ska revival and this got meContinue reading “Top 10 Song Lyrics My Kids Are Straight Up Wrong About”
Category Archives: music
Music is the Remedy: Show Me What You’ve Got
Anna Dusseau | 10th April 2020 We are a musical family. I dance in the kitchen for the vast majority of the time (it really pisses the kids off) and teenwolf is only very reluctantly doing a ‘real’ job having failed to make it as the next David Guetta during his 20s (I mean thisContinue reading “Music is the Remedy: Show Me What You’ve Got”
The Soundtrack to Sanity
Anna Dusseau | 20th March 2020 The best advice anyone gave me regarding parenting was to have the radio on in the background. That’s it! You’re welcome. But seriously, this passing comment has absolutely shaped my homeschool style and serves as a basis for keeping me calm and engaged throughout the day. Of course, theContinue reading “The Soundtrack to Sanity”