Ready, Steady…Oh! Reflections on the Big Back to School Race.

Anna Dusseau | 12th August 2020 It’s been a long 6 months. Like you, we have spent this strange summer cautiously meeting with other families in open spaces, and visiting attractions where social distancing is in operation. We all wear masks, of course, crossing the road for groceries like Neverland bandits, the littlest fiercely brandishingContinue reading “Ready, Steady…Oh! Reflections on the Big Back to School Race.”

On Disney and Diversity

Anna Dusseau | 22nd June 2020 My kids have recently fallen in love with the Descendents movies, and let me start by saying that it’s a pretty cool franchise. Oh sure, you’re gonna want to puke in your mouth every time you hear these guys break into song, but honestly? You know we would allContinue reading “On Disney and Diversity”

He Said, She Said: Resolving Sibling Disputes

Anna Dusseau | 25th March 2020 Kids kicking off? Hungry for a fresh order of parenting wisdom? Look no further than the Homeschool Guru’s sizzling takeaway menu (the restaurant is closed) where fury tastes better with a side order of sarcasm. Oi! (The Classic) Always a winner, this is the number one reprimand of choice.Continue reading “He Said, She Said: Resolving Sibling Disputes”